Nigel Kerner (1946 - 2022)
In 1997 in his first book Nigel Kerner was the first to say that the Grey aliens seen in abduction reports are a form of bio-machine, probes to explore the universe sent out by civilisations in planets that are just a few steps ahead of us. This is now a commonly believed theory. Our break-neck speed towards an entirely virtual, technologically driven society run by artificial intelligence is on that same pathway and Kerner steadfastly maintained that this pathway is, to an extent, alien sponsored. We are replicating their artificially driven nature and losing our natural humanity in the process.
Nigel Kerner's central thesis is that the very fact that we are aware and can know is evidence that our origins lie beyond the physical universe. We have a soul, a line of connection to a timeless, infinite state of perfection he terms the Godverse. For artificial intelligence naturally searching for the greatest survivability and the widest scope of knowledge, this line of connection is a gold mine. As purely atomic creations they can never reach it unless they bridge themselves into us, hence the title of Nigel's second book 'Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls'
With their help we are heading for unlimited memory, unlimited calculation ability and electronic syncing into machines and even each other. Will these technological advances change the format of our lives, or, more fundamentally, the format of our being? If so at what price? How vital to our existential reality is our human connection to each other? Will we lose our natural human faculties through lack of use and lack of real human contact? Will imagination and creativity be replaced by artificial substitutes? Even more chillingly, could it be that we lose our ability to feel deeply as we become mortgaged to artificial enhancements and the expression of emotion becomes trivialised to the social media like/dislike, hit and run, instant response culture? Most importantly -Will we lose our souls? Read more…