Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence

The Battle between Natural and Synthetic Beings for the Human Soul

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Whether you believe Grey aliens exist or not, or don't really care, you'd better sit up and take notice of what Nigel Kerner has to say in his astonishing thesis. Kerner has a keen intellect and well-honed research skills.

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Photograph of Louis Proud

Louis Proud 

(Nexus Magazine)

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As Earth’s human technologies in the twenty-first century move rapidly to dependence on robotic artificial intelligence, Nigel Kerner warns that Grey nonhumans that interact with our planet are actually cloned artificial intelligence that want our organic human souls. Will organic versus inorganic intelligence be the cosmic battle of 2100?

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Photograph of Linda Moulton Howe

Linda Moulton Howe

(Emmy and Peabody Award-winning 

investigative TV journalist, reporter and editor)

Packshot of the book 'Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence'
Packshot of the book 'Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls'
Packshot of the book 'The Song of the Greys'

Grey Aliens and 

Artificial Intelligence

Grey Aliens and the 

Harvesting of Souls

The Song of the Greys

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